
2020 Mercury Retrograde: February 17- March 10, 2020


It's that time of year folks, when Mercury goes Retrograde in Pisces, and some setbacks may occur.  Here's how you 

can be prepared for February 17- March 10, 2020.



Aries: Mercury transits your 12th house of Spirituality/Karma/Past Lives/Secrets.

Take time to take care of your Spiritual growth.  Energy cleansing, Reiki, intuitive readings, and affirmation sleep 

hypnosis videos will help.

Don't be a hermit; stay connected to the world.  Surrender yourself back into the whole. (Group events will be good for you.)  


Taurus: Mercury transits your 11th house of Community.

This is a time to re-unite with past partnerships. Who's someone special you haven't phoned in a long time? 

Avoid starting new projects until after March 10th. Patience is important.  Avoid gossiping and spending too much 

time on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook. Get out in the real world and make old-fashioned connections.


Gemini: Mercury transits your 10th house of Outer Environment/Public Life.

Mercury, the planet of communication, rules Gemini so this is especially resonant for you. How are you really feeling 

in your career and with your priorities? Are you getting paid enough? Does your work and personal life feel balanced? 

Is there something more heart-centered you'd like to focus on? 

Be careful of your words Gemini during this retrograde. And watch what you post on Social Media. 

Don't quit your job at this time or do anything drastic.

It's a time to get honest with yourself about what you want to do in life. Be among others, and enjoy the people in 

real life, not on the computer. There could be a seminar or a Mastermind class for you just around the corner.


Cancer: Mercury transits your 9th house of Philosophy/Religion/Travel/Ethics & Vision.

This is about expanding your belief systems to a paradigm that's more big and grand. Avoid spontaneous travel and 

bending the truth. Do something to expand your mind (attend an intuitive seminar, watch a Ted Talk, watch something 

inspirational and mind blowing on YouTube, sign up for a meditation class)


Leo: Mercury transits your 8th house of Transformation/Subconscious/Inheritance

Focus on healing and transformation. Open yourself to giving and receiving. This is a time to learn about how resources are shared with others.

Look for ways to parent and nourish your younger self. Counseling, Therapy, Energy healing, Sleep Hypnosis, would all 

be good strategies.

Avoid taking out loans or buying anything big.  Also avoid committing to something legal at this time. Don't sign on 

the dotted line until Mercury goes direct.

Don't get back with any old ex-partners at this time either.


Virgo: Mercury transits your 7th house of Interaction..

Work on boundaries. What needs to be tightened or loosened up? Relationships are a give and take thing, and must have 


Avoid signing contracts, starting new relationships or making a big new commitment. Also avoid being too critical on 

your partner, family and/or friendships. Lighten up and enjoy spending time with them.


Libra: Mercury transits your 6th house of Service & Health.

Re-commit yourself to a wellness routine. Eat healthy and get active. Good health reflects harmony, while dis-ease reflects inner disharmony.

Avoid over-scheduling, save some time for yourself. Create some health goals, (eg make sure you're drinking enough 

water by downloading a water app, do yoga 3x a week, go for a walk in nature once a week)

Breakdown big projects into smaller chunks. 


Scorpio: Mercury transits your 5th house of Creation.

Return to childhood pleasures to find joy. Avoid reuniting with old lovers, and staying stuck in the past. Focus on 

your joy at this time.  Do something creative (eg. painting, ideas, music, drama, writing, drawing, building, cooking, making 

things etc.)


Sagittarius: Mercury transits your 4th house of Home & Family/Close Environment.

Time to re-organize your house. Clear out any old clutter, and lightly beautify your home (maybe different artwork or 

re-arranging furniture for example,)  but no big renovations at this time.

Feng Shui re-organization would be great too. 

Be careful of squabbles with female family members (sister, mother, grandma, etc) Save those convos for after Mercury 

goes direct.


Capricorn: Mercury transits your 3rd house of Communication.

This is a good time to re-visit those incomplete creative ideas. Tie up the loose ends during these 4 weeks. 

Avoid publishing creative projects at this time. Slow down your communications.

March 4th is especially important to think twice before sending texts and emails. Sleep on it before sending it.

Practice active listening. 


Aquarius: Mercury transits your 2nd house of Resources & Possessions.  

Evaluate and understand your finances. Think about new streams of income for 2020.

Don't buy anything big until after Mercury goes direct. 

Think about new revenue streams, and contact anyone that owes you money (unpaid invoices for 


Abundance meditations and money sleep hypnosis would be good strategies to get into that clear money mindset.


Pisces: Mercury transits your 1st house of Individuality/Personality.

Mercury retrogrades in your sign, so you'll benefit!  You'll feel pretty good and get boosts of self-esteem and a better understanding of what you're here on Earth to do.  

This is a good time to re-write your story of your authentic Self. You are gifted and many great things will come out 

of this retrograde.

Avoid any permanent changes to the way you look. Hold off on plastic surgery, tattoos, piercings, and permanent 

hair dye until Mercury goes direct.

Update all profiles and Bios on Social Media to make them current. 

March 4th is a good day to review details and tie up the loose ends for that longtime goal or project.

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